All available in inventory at our partner biobanks and body donation centers, or by prospective collection to meet your exact research and education requirements:
We either have in inventory, or can collect, biospecimens from most diagnoses, with the exception of some rare diseases. Precise availability depends on your patient criteria, how you would like the samples to be prepared and which data you need with each sample. Pathology reports, clinical history and follow up data may be available for various collections.
FFPE blocks or curls/slides are most likely to be available from living patients who have undergone surgery or biopsy, although frozen specimens may also be available and fresh samples may be collected prospectively.
Deceased donors’ specimens can be prepared according to your exact criteria.
The following list is not exhaustive; please contact us with details of your requirements and we will be delighted to investigate.
Contact us to quickly find out how our partner biorepositories and expert tissue banks can provide the clinical and post mortem biosamples you need to drive your R&D forward.