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Transparency and quality

Accio Biobank Online is transparent about the dedicated sites we work with and encourage researchers to join us in direct, in depth technical discussions with the tissue recovery and research managers at our partner hospital biobanks and body donation centers.

This ensures that all aspects of your project, including the optimum tissue preparation protocol, are fully understood and agreed in advance, maximizing the quality and utility of the specimens provided for your experiments.

Location and Collection

Our partner post mortem donation facility and clinical biorepositories are located in the US for your convenience and reassurance.

This makes it possible to provide customized collections of a wide range of fresh human tissues and biofluid samples, collected prospectively and prepared according to your bespoke protocol and requirements.


Fresh human organs, tissues or biofluids can be transported:
  • in your preferred stabilising buffer or nutrient medium to preserve any viable human tissues or cells,
  • on ice or at ambient temperature,
  • in a specialized transport fluid, such as those used for transporting organs for transplant or those developed specifically for shipping fresh tissues for research at ambient temperature for long periods.
Shipping box

Post Mortem Tissues and Organs

Accio Biobank Online is delighted to announce that to further expand the range of fresh organ and tissue research we can support, we have partnered with a highly experienced organ procurement network. This means that we can facilitate your access to non-transplantable organs and tissues kindly donated by organ donors.

Post mortem tissues and organs are not limited in terms of location or quantity available, severity of disease or by the need to retain samples for diagnosis, and whole organs and tissues that are not available through surgery, such as brain and spine, are available.

Donors’ medical questionnaires can be screened for comorbidities and medications.

The minimum time from donor death to sample collection is normally 3 hours, but such donors are rare so longer post mortem intervals, of 12 or more hours, will significantly increase rates of availability.

Read more about our post mortem tissues, organs and biofluids.
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Surgical Samples

Availability of surgical/clinical samples depends on the types of surgery typically carried out for an indication; the surgical protocol and the amount of material that must be retained for diagnostic purposes as well as your own criteria.

Samples can be shipped in your preferred nutrient medium to maintain viable human tissues.

Placentas, cord blood and maternal bloods are also available.

Please complete our contact form to find out how we can help you to source fresh tissue samples.
surgical sample

Blood Samples

Fresh blood samples can be collected in the tubes of your choice from healthy donors and donors with a range of chronic and infectious diseases via our specialist blood collection partners.

Read more about Accio Biobank Online’s infectious disease samples.

Diseases include diabetes, HIV, Hepatitis and others.

Please let us know the details of your requirements by completing our query form.
surgical sample

Disease types

Samples from a wide range of diseases are available or can be collected, including:
For other sample types, please see:
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© 2024 Accio Biobank Online. Tissue for Research Ltd DBA Accio Biobank Online. Registered in England and Wales no. 08919802