We are delighted to offer frozen tissues, organs and blood from deceased donors and living, clinical donors.
Transparency and quality
Accio Biobank Online is transparent about the dedicated sites we work with and encourage researchers to join us in direct, in depth technical discussions with the tissue recovery and research managers at our partner hospital biobanks and body donation centers.
This ensures that all aspects of your project, including the optimum tissue preparation protocol, are fully understood and agreed in advance, maximizing the quality and utility of the specimens provided for your experiments.
Clinical tissue procurement
We have extensive access to frozen tissue samples in ongoing biorepository collections.
Our clinical repositories have a huge variety of fixed human tissues/ specimens in stock, covering a range of samples that one would expect to find in a clinical tissue bank, particularly for solid tumors.
Frozen serum, plasma & buffy coat (non-viable) are also collected from each donor.
Extensive clinical data is available, including full medical records.
Normal/ control samples or normal adjacent to tumor tissue (NAT/ NTA) frozen tissue samples are also available from each patient.
Specialist blood collection partners
A huge variety of healthy donors and donors with diseases world wide, particularly with infectious diseases, are available in inventory or collected prospectively in the tubes of your choice.
Accio Biobank Online is delighted to announce that to further expand the range of fresh organ and tissue research we can support, we have partnered with a highly experienced organ procurement network. This means that we can facilitate your access to non-transplantable organs and tissues kindly donated by organ donors. Those are only available fresh.
However, we have also have a longstanding relationship with a dedicated body donation program, through which tissue samples and organs, or anatomical parts, can be collected prospectively and snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen or straight onto dry ice/-80 or at -20.
Donors are likely to have some advanced forms of disease, although they may not have died from those diseases.
Normal organs unaffected by disease are also available via prospective collection.
Our collaborating sites are high quality hospitals, pathology services, body donation centers and biobanks located in the US.We also have access also to collection sites in Africa & elsewhere for the collection of infectious disease samples.