Accio Biobank Online has excellent biorepository sources of HIV positive blood/ serum/ plasma samples, Hepatitis C samples (HCV), Hepatitis B samples (HBV) and Hepatitis A samples (HAV) (with various genotypes/ serotypes) and other infectious disease samples, whether from existing biobank stocks or as prospective collections with confirmed titres from our specialist blood collection partners. Negative control specimens are also available.
FFPE blocks of liver tissue from patients with hepatitis caused by HBV and HCV are also available. These are biopsies or surgical resections. We are now able to offer inventoried COVID-19 related specimens, including plasma, serum, snap frozen buffy coat, swabs in VTM and aspirate.
Clinical data may include the number of days from reported onset of symptoms to sampling. We do not currently have access to specimens with defined variants or known CT values.
contact us on with details of your research needs.
COVID-19 collections available banked & prospectively. Find specimens