Exact availability of these tissue samples and organs for medical research depends on a combination of factors, including:
- whether you require a whole tissue or organ, or just a small piece;whether you require pathologist-dissected and annotated tissue or not;
- whether you need healthy or diseased tissue;
- the standard treatments available for any disease, which may limit the availability or size of sample available for research;
- the format required (fresh, frozen, FFPE, OCT-embedded, formalin fixed etc);
- the level and detail of medical history, pathology, biomarker and other clinical or lifestyle data you require, as the depth of detail may depend on whether clinical or post mortem samples are available;
- whether you can only use clinical samples or whether kindly donated organs and tissues from whole body donors would be more suitable for your medical research.
We work with high quality facilities located in the US. We also have access to collection sites in Africa & elsewhere for the collection of infectious disease samples.
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