A wide range of cardiovascular diseases, including those listed above, are available from our clinical tissue donor partner sites. Clinical donors range in age from their 20s (rare) to 80s.
Samples are often available with FFPE, frozen tissue, plasma, serum and buffy coat available from the same donor, with pathology details and extensive medical history & follow-up information.
Accio Biobank Online is delighted to announce that to further expand the range of fresh organ and tissue research we can support, we have partnered with a highly experienced organ procurement network. This means that we can facilitate your access to non-transplantable organs and tissues kindly donated by organ donors.
Post mortem donors are mostly aged 60+. The shortest interval between death and sampling is 3 hours, but such donors are rare, and increasing the window to 8 or more hours will greatly increase the number of donors available to study.
Whole hearts, cardiac tissue samples and vascular tissue samples are available fresh, frozen or fixed in 10% NBF. A pathology report is not available, although specific clinical reports, such as details of heart-related operations, may be requested.