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AJCP publication using specimens from Accio Biobank Online

AJCP publication featuring specimens from Accio Biobank Online: Concordance of PD-L1 Expression Detection in Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Tissue Biopsy Specimens Between OncoTect iO Lung Assay and Immunohistochemistry (IHC).
The OncoTect iO® Lung Kit is an in vitro quantitative flow cytometry test to detect tumor cells and immune cells expressing PD-L1 protein in single cell suspensions prepared from non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tissue. PD-L1 protein expression, defined as the percentage of tumor and immune cells exhibiting positive staining, is quantified using a rabbit monoclonal anti-PD-L1 antibody.

Indications for Use

‍The OncoTect iO Lung assay is indicated for use in patients with NSCLC. Results from the OncoTect iO Lung assay should not be the sole criteria used for patient management. Test results should be interpreted by a qualified pathologist in conjunction with histological examination, relevant clinical information and proper controls. Detection of PD-L1 expressing tumor cells in a NSCLC patient specimen may indicate an enhanced survival benefit from PD-L1 immunotherapeutic treatment for the patient.

Summary and Explanation

Binding of the ligands PD-L1 and PD-L2 to PD-1, a cell surface receptor found on T cells and other immune cells, inhibits T- cell proliferation and cytokine production. Up-regulation of PD-1 ligands, specifically PD-L1, occurs in some tumors, and signaling through this pathway can contribute to inhibition of active T-cell immune surveillance of tumors.1,2,3,4 New monoclonal immunotherapies bind to PD-1 and block its interaction with PD-L1 and PD-L2, releasing PD-1 pathway- mediated inhibition of the immune response, including the anti-tumor immune response.5

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