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Purpose and scope

The purpose of this Equal Opportunities Policy is to communicate our commitment to equality of opportunity in employment, with the aims of ensuring that all employees and job applicants are treated fairly and equally, and supporting Accio Biobank Online’s (the Company) objective of providing a working environment that is free from all forms of discrimination.

The Policy applies to all staff within the Company, including employees and other workers, such as agency workers, temporary workers and contractors. All staff are expected to put this policy into practice.

A copy of this Policy is distributed to all employees and is otherwise available upon request.

This Policy does not form part of an employee’s contracts of employment, is reviewed annually and may be amended at any time.

Policy statement

Specific Responsibilities

The Company has overall responsibility for the effective operation of this policy and for ensuring compliance with the Equality Act 2010 and associated legislation and for observing any relevant Codes of Practice.

The Director of the Company is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the policy and for ensuring that all employment-related policies, procedures and practices adhere to this policy.

All staff have a responsibility not to discriminate or harass other staff, clients, customers, and suppliers and to report any such behaviour of which they become aware to the Director of the Company who is responsible for implementing the Equal Opportunities Policy.

Forms of discrimination

The following are forms of discrimination that this Policy aims to avoid:

Employment policies and practices

The Company aims to ensure that employment policies and practices, including any rules or requirements, do not directly or indirectly discriminate and are applied in a non-discriminatory manner. In particular we will ensure that all disciplinary decisions are fair and consistent and that selection for redundancy is based on objective criteria.

The Company will consider making appropriate reasonable adjustments to the working environment or any work arrangements that would alleviate any substantial disadvantage these cause disabled staff. We will aim as far as reasonably practicable to accommodate the requirements of different religions and cultures and will consider requests from employees to vary or change their working hours to enable them to care for a dependant.

Working environment

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© 2024 Accio Biobank Online. Tissue for Research Ltd DBA Accio Biobank Online. Registered in England and Wales no. 08919802