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Bribery is an inducement or reward offered, promised or provided to gain personal, commercial, and regulatory or contractual advantage. It is unacceptable to:

Objectives of this policy

This Policy provides a coherent and consistent framework to enable Accio Biobank Online (the Company) employees to understand and implement arrangements enabling compliance. In conjunction with related policies and key documents it will also enable employees to identify and effectively report a potential breach. We require that all staff, including those permanently employed, temporary agency staff and contractors:

Scope of this Policy

Accio Biobank Online’s Commitment to Action

Facilitation Payments

Facilitation payments are not tolerated and are illegal. Facilitation payments are unofficial payments made to public officials in order to secure or expedite actions.

Gifts & Hospitality

Sample tokens of modest value bearing the name or insignia of the organisation giving them (for example, pens, diaries or calendars or similar gifts) whether given personally, or received in the post, may be retained unless they could be regarded as an inducement or reward.

You should refuse the offer or invitation (or return the gift) unless your Director has advised you that it may be accepted or retained.Corporate hospitality should be proportionate and not be regarded as an inducement.

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© 2024 Accio Biobank Online. Tissue for Research Ltd DBA Accio Biobank Online. Registered in England and Wales no. 08919802